Am 10. April findet ein kostenloses Online-Webinar mit einer Live Case Study zum Thema Build-to-Sell mit Juergen Graner und weiteren Experten statt.
education for leaders

Build-to-Sell – A Live Case Study Experience

Am 10. April findet ein kostenloses Online-Webinar mit einer Live Case Study zum Thema Build-to-Sell mit Juergen Graner und weiteren Experten statt.

​Juergen Graner ist Gründer und CEO von Globalator, einem Unternehmen mit Standorten in San Diego, London und Wien, das sich auf internationale Expansion durch Transaktionen, Akquisitionen und Unternehmensverkäufe spezialisiert hat. Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung als CEO und Executive Manager auf drei Kontinenten coacht er zudem Führungskräfte und teilt sein Wissen als Keynote-Speaker sowie in Workshops und akademischen Kursen.

Unlocking Business Potential: Join the Transaction-Based Growth Summit 2025

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, understanding how to strategically position your company for growth and potential acquisition is paramount. The Transaction-Based Growth Summit 2025, themed „Build-to-Sell,“ offers a unique opportunity to delve into this critical aspect of business development.​

Event Overview

Scheduled for April 10th, 2025, this live case study experience focuses on the pivotal role of intellectual assets as key value drivers in strategic transactions. The summit aims to provide attendees with actionable insights into building a business that is not only profitable but also attractive to potential buyers.

Am 10. April findet ein kostenloses Online-Webinar mit einer Live Case Study zum Thema Build-to-Sell mit Juergen Graner und weiteren Experten statt.

Why Attend?

  1. Expert Insights: Gain knowledge from industry leaders and experts who have successfully navigated the path of building and selling businesses.
  2. Intellectual Asset Focus: Learn how to identify, develop, and leverage intellectual assets to enhance your company’s value proposition.
  3. Strategic Planning: Understand the nuances of preparing your business for a transaction, from financial readiness to operational efficiency.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, potential investors, and advisors who can support your growth journey.

Key Topics

  • The significance of intellectual property in business valuation.
  • Strategies for scaling operations to attract potential buyers.
  • Navigating legal and regulatory considerations in transactions.
  • Real-life case studies of successful „build-to-sell“ ventures.

Who Should Attend?

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners aiming to scale or sell their businesses.
  • Investors seeking insights into valuable business attributes.
  • Professionals involved in mergers and acquisitions.
  • Advisors and consultants specializing in business growth and transactions.

How to Participate

Registration is free, but spaces are limited, so early sign-up is recommended:

Role of Intellectual Assets?

Intellectual assets are usually key value drivers in strategic transactions, including but not limited to exits.

We distinguish between technology intellectual assets (with patents and trade secrets as their protection mechanisms), brand intellectual assets (with trademarks as their protection mechanism) and operational excellence (with culture as a key driver or limitation). The importance of each intellectual asset class depends on the individual case study. Since operational excellence plays a particularly important role when preparing a business for an exit (Build-to-Sell), we put a special emphasis on this factor in our case study presentations and discussions.

Many owners of companies want to sell their business eventually, or they are required to sell since their investors are looking for an exit at some point. The issue is that most businesses that sell are not adequately prepared, resulting in lower financial returns and undesired results. An optimized exit is not just an event, it is a process that starts years before and continues well into the transition to the new owner. It usually takes several years to properly build a company for an exit. Such a Build-to-Sell process can also achieve much more than just higher financial returns, including securing the future of the employees after the exit (“Sustainable Exit”).

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