education for leaders

CEO Masterclass Overview

The CEO Masterclass series is specifically targeting CEOs of small and medium sized companies across Europe. As the text of this page suggests this class is offered in English only, in order to accommodate and mix CEOs from various countries. We believe that this creates a powerful learning environment. While the primary target group are CEOs, we also welcome managing directors and general managers of larger corporations. 

Current Classes Offered: 

CEO Masterclass Transaction Based Growth ManagementTM

Sustainable success with alliances, licensing, spin-offs, acquisitions, and divestments with Juergen Graner

next open program: 20th – 21st of March 2025 in Salzburg, Austria 

CEO Masterclass „High Growth Technology Commercialization“

Leveraging your technology assets for innovation and growth with Dr. Bowman Heiden 

next open program: 12th – 13th of June 2025 in Salzburg, Austria 

These 2-day CEO Masterclasses were thoroughly developed for a highly efficient learning format for individuals that do not have much time to spare. Moreover, the lecturers have been carefully selected based on their proven track record to deliver high quality teaching in an engaging case study based environment to ensure great results for participants on the CEO level. All CEO Masterclass lecturers have more than 20 years of executive training experience with consistent high performance ratings from their class participants.

Distinct features of the CEO Masterclasses:

  • 2-day high efficiency learning format: Each CEO Masterclass is designed in a way that the participants will be able to learn everything intended within 2 days. The combination of theory, case studies, discussions, group work, networking amongst peers, and a special evening clinic ensure the utmost efficient learning for participants.
  • Case study driven: Using case studies and applying the learnings to those has been proven to be one of the most effective method to learn theory in a way that it can be applied – something that is key to CEOs. 
  • Highly interactive learning environment: The maximum number of participants at a CEO Masterclass is limited to 20 individuals. This enables our lecturers to create a highly interactive environment that leaves no one behind.
  • Evening clinic: To take the learnings even further, each CEO Masterclass adds an open ended evening session to the first day of the class. All participants meet together for dinner and the lecturer will lead a discussion based on individual questions brought by the participants from their current work environment. This ensures that the topics taught are related to issues participants face in their companies at the moment. 
  • Clear takeaway messages for CEOs: At the end of each CEO Masterclass the lecturer will ensure that participants walk away with clear takeaway messages – learnings that they can apply within their business upon return. 

Intellectual Assets as Key Value Drivers

CEOs and senior managers agree that one of the key value drivers of any business are intellectual assets . This includes technology intellectual assets that may be protected by patents and trade secrets, brands that may be protected by trademarks, and operational excellence that is fueled by the culture of a company. All CEO Masterclasses address the role of intellectual assets specifically.

CEO Masterclass Transaction Based Growth Management

The CEO Masterclass „Transaction Based Growth Management“ is optimized for CEOs, Managing Directors or General Managers.
This unique program features all five most important strategic transaction types in one class: Alliances, Licensing, Spin-offs, Acquisitions, Divestments.

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